Invited Talks

Invited Talks

If you want to use any of this material in your presentations please feel free to contact me.

International School on Ab initio Modelling of Solids with CRYSTAL14
Regensburg (Germany), July 20-25, 20142014/07/24
International School on Ab initio Modelling of Solids with CRYSTAL14
Regensburg (Germany), July 20-25, 20142014/07/21
The Cyclic Cluster Model at ab initio Level – Quantum Chemistry of Periodic Systems in Real Space

Invited by the group of Prof. Dr. Joachim Friedrich
Technische Universität Chemnitz


Consistent Gaussian Basis Sets for Solid-State Calculations

University of Torino & NIS Centre of Excellence
Ab Initio Modeling in Solid State Chemistry

Torino (Italy) 1-5 September 2013

Featuring CRYSTAL13 and CRYSCOR13

Consistent Gaussian Basis Sets for Solid-State Calculations

Invited by the group of Prof. Roberto Dovesi

Dipartimento di Chimica – University of Torino, Turin, Italy
Quantum Chemistry of Periodic Systems

Invited by the group of Prof. Dr. Frank Neese

MPI für Chemische Energiekonversion, Mülheim an der Ruhr